Saturday, October 17, 2009


wow.. 3 months already i dint post anything in my blog.
dint wrote anything.

changed a lot. myself. from a very serious person dropped to a playful + lazy person during my study... i think about how to reduce my parent's effort last time. but i think about how do i skip from all this financially problems all the time now...

i started my business again... because i meet my friend again. he's really success in his life, recalled many many things i heard, i read, i wrote, i know before... and meet few classmate. thier words awaked me; my lecturer, show a video, a person who dint have arms and legs, fell down and standed up... classmate A, indirectly told me that dont return to your original point after you started your journey to success, with a very small mater... classmate B, show me that, "success required sacrifice, no sacrifice no victory".

i will. i will not give up again!!! felt happy to make this decision... LIFE IS EASY, LIVE IT!