Saturday, October 17, 2009


wow.. 3 months already i dint post anything in my blog.
dint wrote anything.

changed a lot. myself. from a very serious person dropped to a playful + lazy person during my study... i think about how to reduce my parent's effort last time. but i think about how do i skip from all this financially problems all the time now...

i started my business again... because i meet my friend again. he's really success in his life, recalled many many things i heard, i read, i wrote, i know before... and meet few classmate. thier words awaked me; my lecturer, show a video, a person who dint have arms and legs, fell down and standed up... classmate A, indirectly told me that dont return to your original point after you started your journey to success, with a very small mater... classmate B, show me that, "success required sacrifice, no sacrifice no victory".

i will. i will not give up again!!! felt happy to make this decision... LIFE IS EASY, LIVE IT!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


im here today.
long long long long time dint update my blog.
just start my college study.
so, what will happen after that? i dont know.

so, started my plan to change my life-style in 100 days.
so, wish me make it successfully ba.

Friday, July 17, 2009


interesting. sadly, i miss something out!!
1. take photos.
2. get make more friends.
3. get lengluis number.

Monday, June 29, 2009


-extremely cold blooded.
-never care own feeling and others too.
-never have friend.
-everyone is just a thing to use.

Friday, June 19, 2009



Sunday, June 7, 2009

electronic light bulb x (oil lamp = moon)

yesterday, i think its 0013.
mr. C. my teacher ask me two questions and told me one formula.

1. 如果明天当你睡醒时,你发现你已经是一个植物人,只能眨眼睛,你最遗憾的会是什么?
2. 如果你知道你只剩下一个月的命,你会在这个月里完成什么?

..first question is to find out what you really want in your deep deep mind. that's your dream.
..second question is to find out the most important thing must done by yourself on your own in your life.

....first question show that human always realize what they really want at the end that cant return again.
....second question show that human will only do their best when they know they are run out of time.

conclusion: think that everyday is your last day. think that every second is your last second. so, you will always do your best. like a electronic bulb, it will light up until it spoil. dont be the oil lamp, have to add and add and add oil for it to light up. ALWAYS ASK YOURSELF THIS TWO QUESTIONS, YOU WILL BE auto!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009



8、拍别人左边 站在别人右边
17、下雨的时候,拿起伞故意往雨大的地方走去 听雨啪啪的声音 感觉很爽


Sunday, May 31, 2009

this few days

what im thinking about:

morning: my business. why im so s**t?
afternoon: my job. why my boss so s**t?
evening: my dinner. why the customers so s**t?
night: EMILY. why today so s**t?

owh... another day is coming. i wish to do something everyday. i like done nothing everyday.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

teng teng teng teng

bla bla bla bla bla bla~~ actually like not much to write.
yesterday went for a class.
wa. the one talk on the stage. GENG!!! rich guy plus good guy.
talk like a profesional speaker. YA, he's really a pro speaker on the stage.
nice teacher nice friend for us.
normally he will get the pay of rm 1k for his one hour on the stage. but he talk for 2 hours and more with us.
what have he told us which i feel impresive:
1. success is no excuse.
2. there are no a carrer in this world is easy.
3. we study so hard is for our boss in the future.
4. when you want to do something you never done before, think about: 反正不会死.
5. dont even think we are young or we still have much time.
7. the more successful a person, the more humble the person.
8. the market of stranger is much much larger then the market of people we knew.
9. we have to trust ourself.
10. dare to dream, young man.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


read some books during this long long 7 months school break.
introduce a book i read currently: THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne.
Look for it in book shops ba. It will be useful in your life.

just belive it, nothing lose you choose to believe it.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


long long time dint write any post. long long long long time. because i realize something. so, i will never be write down my life-details here. where i went? what i did? what happened on me? how i feel? who i meet? i will just write something benefits to the readers. An advice, a chance, a concept. those useful then i told you all about my life.

what i have realize: others will never interest on anything about you, the one we most interested with is ourself.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

the end of april

april is almost over. many friends work together at Klang Parade just leave me for thier form 6. owh. too many many things happened in april. but seem i dint change much after april. still a lazy and poor guy. haizzzz. wanna change a job! or can just say i dont want to work. im really no idea how people outside get the money to study the college??! i still need worry about this and that even i get the scholardhip. why people outside can study so well and look like nothing to worry about. have their mcd everyday. sometimes igentis, sometimes sushi, sometimes french foods. how a colourful life. MONEY MONEY MONEY. i have to get rich before 21!!! i found the way for it. but can i really done it??!

owh. my april 2009, feel happy a day and feel hopeless other day, then full of dream again, then get reject and feel down other day. OWH!! human life, never be fair!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009





Tuesday, April 14, 2009







Wednesday, April 8, 2009



富人思维:nothing is impossible
穷人思维:everything is impossible




new post

owh. my new post is nothing.

currently my job is asking and solve people's problems.
who want to share their stories can come along to look for me.
because of just want to help and know more about you, human.
so, i did this.


Thursday, April 2, 2009


owh. yesterday was april fool. i read the newpapar with the tittle "everyday is april fool". ya, i agree with it. everyday is april fool. we are lying everyday. everyone is lying everyday. owh. our world, i supposed to feel dissapoint with this, but im just normal, no feeling.

im 18 years old. 18 years, im live or survive in this world. the world full of liars. owh-no. so, no feeling is the normal feeling. as a conclude, april fool is nothing speacial. becuase everyday is april fool.

i have just found some guys whose can trust, we have a same mission. help as many poeple as we can. yes, gambateh!! but sometimes, we are liars too. sorry, we are not so prefect.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


owh. finally, did it. make the decision to cut my hair. before and after.


我们实在太在乎身边的一些小小事物、人物,我们很在意别人对我们的眼光,很在乎身边的人对我们自己的过去给的评语。我们会因此而耽误了我们现在应该做的事情。我们会因此而缺乏了信心。我们会因此而退缩。我们会因此而停留在原点。我们会因此而堕落。我们会因此而活在过去,或在别人的眼光,别人的嘲讽,别人的闲言闲语,别人的藐视,别人给于我们的定位、的价值、的生活空间、的世界。 这样的自己实在太渺小太渺小了。


Monday, March 16, 2009



Saturday, March 14, 2009

damn student

i have a friend. hopefuly, no one know who's him except someone.
yerr... why he is so damn rich?!! and his close friends too. im his friend too but not close.
the stage and status between us is different.
i feel frustrated with something so long time. SHIT!!
my studies fee. buying a car. maybe next time have to spent on girl friend too.

we went out together this thursday after getting our spm results.
we were in a same car.
long time no see, they keep chat and chat. im queit.
i heard something he said, "my mum la! dont want buy a car for me!"
OMG... im damn angry but still quiet.
"how old are you?!" "who's pay your so so so high cost studies fee at taylors?!"
CHILDISH. he is too lucky from he borned until now until die i think.

im lucky too. have the chance to earn something myself.
after 2 years ba, i will show him.
"hey, friend. i just brought MY new car." its mine!

Friday, March 13, 2009

dont smoke

i saw someone i like much smoking today. sad~~ so, im here just want to advice


Thursday, March 12, 2009

spm results

OMG!! my english really sucks!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009






> > 天蝎座终极完美分析 (95% agree)

> > 天蝎,生于秋深。性喜静,意清幽。爱之切,怨亦深。本质轻名利,但拥有成名得利的天赋。
> > 偏重灵与肉的完美结合。直觉力之准之锐,行动力之潇洒之特,常令徒有虚表之人忌愤不已。天蝎,一个别具一格的星座。格调分明有别常人,心胸高妙不露于表。常容人难容之事,亦笑人可笑之处。
> > 对于朋友,重质不重量,高度要求知心。宁可孤独,也不违心。
> > 对于爱情,宁缺毋滥。宁可抱憾终生,也不苟且凑合。风流不羁的言行下,执着追求一种宗教意识的爱情信仰。内心具有高度责任性,忠诚性,自律性以及矛盾性。浪漫儒雅,风趣超脱。拥有奇异诱人的容貌气质。根本上,提倡由爱生性的性爱模式,鄙视纯粹的兽性性行为,但,自己却又常在意志薄弱时,自虐般地沉溺其间。

> >> 天蝎大多恩怨分明,黑白绝不混肴。犹如包公,宁可得罪众官,也要奖惩公道。多思少言的特质,齐全透彻的智慧,使一切真相假面恐慌不已。因此,本质静默孤僻的天蝎们极易招惹他人的非难和灌上莫须有的罪名。而其强硬又柔弱的本质,常使其背负黑锅也不辩护,不低头。典型的'独当千古错,冷漠自逍遥'的天蝎风格。只有在忍无可忍时,天蝎才会真正采取报复行为。可也因其很多时候过于忍辱负重,好比老实人发火,报复也就更显突兀强劲,反令圆滑的小人真正的祸首们恼羞成怒,借机大肆渲染。由于天蝎有隐忍为善的一面,更有别致的独特气质,从而也导致了天蝎倍受他人嫉妒却常被反咬一口的现象出现。也因为典型的天蝎,并不擅长疏通改善人际关系,更不善于有效地表达澄清自己,从而成为了十二星座里最具争议的一个星座。
> > 天蝎们拥有天赋般灵性的思维,结合现实的洞察,产生了异于常人的思索角度。爱情观,友情观,人生观,皆如此。由于意识超常,天蝎们总是:苦于红尘无知音,不如隐形爱孤独。天蝎的确就是这样极端:不是最另类的现代人,就是最另类的原始人。
> > 人们研究天蝎的误区在于没有能力到达天蝎的心理根本。

> >> 其实,天蝎们一生都在寻求知心的朋友,同时他们也容忍对手的存在,但,并非制造敌人。要知道,天蝎本性不好战,但具备战斗的智慧和能量。请注意:这是关键。所以你可以成为天蝎的对手和朋友,但,不要把天蝎当敌人。因为,天蝎从不主动侵犯他人的利益。你也不要做些低层次的敌对事情,那只能显得你自己无聊挫败。比如:如果你煽动众人,想用流言蜚谣打击算计,甚至孤立天蝎,那么不久你就会发现天蝎依旧活得很洒脱,很独特。因为,他们本来没有把你当敌人,某种意义上,是你自己'自作多情',以小人之心度君子之腹了。而这种俗不可耐的敌对伎俩,对于天蝎们来说,无疑是一堆可笑差劲的破招。天蝎生性渴望理解,却不奢求理解,安于孤独,更能乐于孤独。天蝎的优势在于,对于别有用心的人,能够一眼看穿,并完全做到视若无睹。也许,当你自鸣得意时,天蝎想的正是不和这头牲口一般见识!看,天蝎就是这样的心态,清高地忍让,忧郁地承受,却,酷得干脆利落,宛如一位高超的剑手,不是不过招,只是你非对手。为什么你非对手,因为你已经把自己立意为敌人。对于敌人,不用过招。兴趣无时不屑一顾。兴趣来时,一剑定胜负。这种彻骨的冷静和孤高,也正是天蝎人虽不招惹别人,却还是招致阴险有毒的恶名的根本。而,也只有天蝎自己知道,真正恶毒的其实是你!但是,一切也都没有用,要知道,能够忍受孤独的人,也就是最无所畏惧的人了。这也就是天蝎为什么可以在铺天盖地的恶名谣传里,依旧活出自己风格的原因。某个角度来说,才思横溢的天蝎人,正是从别人不切实际的攻击诽谤里,看到了自己与众不同的价值。因为,没有人会化很大的心血很多的精力,对一个平庸无常的人做太多的关注。显然,天蝎是别具一格的。
> > 我本善良,我本真实,这样的句子,用在天蝎身上是最恰当不过了。每只天蝎似乎从出生那天起,就注定要为自己的独特而历经许多风波。对于人性,天蝎从来看得比所有人透彻。
> > 可以说他们极端,但是,他们无法不真实地活出自己。也许,只有'曲高合寡'这四个字,才是孤独奇特的天蝎们最好的诠释。
> > 天蝎。星象书上说,诞生在深秋的蝎子是最复杂的。同意这句话。因为蝎子可以根据需要在具体环境把自己塑造成适合的角色,是个善于戴着面具生活的人。但内心本我的强大力量又让他们在某个时刻不由自主地显现出其蝎子冷酷阴郁的一面。几乎没有任何一个蝎子座的人可以逃避这点。因为,本质的东西,深植于骨髓,扎根于灵魂。
> > 这里,我希望通过自己的一点薄见,和大家一起认识这最复杂的蝎子。
> > 情感强烈是蝎子座的人最普遍的特点。我至今没有发现感情因子欠乏的蝎子。他们有着异常
> > 炽热的感情,但大多藏得较深,平时看来是个比较和气的人,一般不爆发,爆发时绝对是喷涌而出的,有着强大的震慑力。
> > 能促使蝎子爆发深藏的感情的事情其实并不多。我总结了三种情况。

> >> 一是欺骗,这种欺骗也许不是很大,也许发生在很好的朋友甚至亲友之间,也许只是一桩小事,但蝎子看来,重要的不是欺骗造成了什么损失,而是欺骗这种行为本身,他认为这是强烈的不信任感,是对他的不尊重。一个小小的欺骗在蝎子的心中会激荡起巨大的不快,天性阴冷的蝎子习惯将它放大来看,也可以说这种与他们处事风格准则背道而弛的行为是他们轻蔑并排斥的。用欺骗伤害蝎子产生的裂痕一般是不容易消除的。当事人在蝎子心中的地位可以说马上会大幅下降。经观察,没有哪个星座的人象蝎子这样如此深地看重信任和尊重这两个词,他们一般对此都很敏感。敏感得容下不在他许可的小小范围内出现一粒沙。越是亲密关系间的欺骗对蝎子的伤害就越大。因为他们对朋友往往交出真心,而这种付出偿来的若是> 欺骗和背叛的话,蝎子的心会冷到极点。

> >> 二是侮辱。敏感的蝎子其实并不那么开得起玩笑,当然他们能敏锐地分辨出你话里的真实含义,善意的玩笑他们还是不会拒绝的。但带刺的话他们绝对能马上听出,他能感受到你语气中的真实的感情成分。很自我的蝎子绝对不容忍别人侮辱他贬低他。也许一件事情让他糟糕,让他吃亏很大,但如果需要的话他能压抑住自己的情绪,装作若无其事。惟独侮辱不可以,你可以感受到蝎子那一刻表情越发阴冷,牙关紧闭。那是他在积蕴力量,你能感受得到他强压怒火的眼神,开始起伏的胸膛,只需要一个小小突破口,巨大的能量就要喷薄而出。这个时候,了解他们的人还是赶紧收口吧,否则谁都不知道会发生什么可怕的事情。我自己就经历过多次这样的情景,从来都是是猛烈的瞬间爆发,不明白的人奇怪怎么突然发这么大脾> 气,其实真实情况是,他忍着气已经很久很久了,只是你硬逼他爆发的。

> >> 三是为了他认为重要的人。蝎子是活得孤独的人,他们自己都会发现,自己和许多人是格格不入的,他满脸的笑容很多时候都不是发自内心的,只是为了场合的需要,真正谈得来并懂得他们的朋友一般很少很少。生命中他重视的人他一定会倾力保护,蝎子为了保护那个人时,显现出的感情是强大的。这个人最大的可能就是曾在蝎子需要时给过真正理解温暖关爱的人。哪怕是一点点。象会记恨一样,蝎子对那些对他真心好的人绝对是记在心上的,没有太多的表面的东西,关键的时候,真正肯为你牺牲的那个朋友,肯定是他。对他最爱的那个人而言,蝎子有可能的话甚至肯为她去死。如果他心中的那个她被别人伤害的话,蝎子会有剜心的痛,这个时候,他可能会暴露出最阴暗的一面,如果要把报复和蝎子联系起来的话,那> 么这种情况当属第一。蝎子这时候可能会在巨痛的驱使下,用最黑暗的力量为她去复仇去摧毁敌人。在我看来,蝎子最最强烈感情表现出来的时候,应该就是他为了保护她的时候。水象之王的蝎子外表看来往往不那么强硬,甚至有点软弱,这是很多人对他们的印象,但了解他们的内心的人就会发现,他们是讨厌被指使的人。可以说,蝎子是吃软不吃硬的,平等对他的话,他便是个性子很好的人,要是想压制他,蝎子内心马上会排斥,并且潜意识里他们是很厌恶习惯对他们指手画脚的人的。他们心中多数是不服,但不会明显表现出来,也许暂时地顺着对方,背后则默默积累力量,也许干脆用冷漠直接表示拒绝和厌恶。蝎子确实是喜欢掌控别人的人,但不象火象的狮子那种气焰上统领一切的感觉,蝎子能用一种独特的暗藏的力量影响人,因为他有着洞穿别人内心的敏锐力和坚定沉静的气质。如果蝎子具备一些火象性格的话,则会是个让人感觉非常凌厉的人,冷静的外表下说起话做起事来霸气十足。蝎子如果学着性格张扬一点的话,会马上显现出强大的领导力。蝎子对自己的爱人也有着强烈的掌控欲,只有当那个她只对他一个人好的时候,他才感觉安心,他希望她能常陪在他身边,希望她能经常依靠他,所以小鸟依人般的温柔甜蜜的女孩子最能激起蝎子爱的感觉。这就解释了为什么他和水象的鱼儿和巨蟹很和得来的原因。

> > 蝎子比较喜欢不带表情的说话做事,可以说,蝎子很难学会用表情表达他们丰富的内心世界,他们是不善于利用表情的人。蝎子本质是不爱笑的,尤其不习惯在一大堆人之间肆无忌惮地笑,蝎子习惯浅浅地一笑,让他们在众人面前表情夸张地保持10秒钟我相信是件困难的事情。
> > 他们确实常给人缺乏亲和力的印象,哪怕是他已经认识到了这点并试着去改变了,结果还是会发现,一不留神,他和人的距离感又莫名地产生了。可以说蝎子的笑保留着人类某种原始的东西,蝎子笑起来会带着丝羞涩,特别是在人多或异性面前。看起来非常孩子气,让人感觉纯真,显得乖巧。但蝎子多笑真的比较重要,蝎子笑起来纯朴真诚的样子可以很好地打消他们在别人心中不好的印象。蝎子可以多对着镜子练习练习。敏感的蝎子有时会莫名地收住笑容,这会给别人不好的印象,他们会纳闷并猜想你突然沉下脸的原因,很多时候,蝎子和人的隔阂就是这么产生的。
> > 在蝎子的生命中总有一种向往孤独的特质。
> > 他们即使在受不了凄寂的同时,又渴望得到只有在孤独时才能享受到的自我极致发挥和无丝毫保留的面对现实。
> > 所以,孤独的蝎子是矛盾的。
> > 孤独中他们的心灵像眼睛,诚实敏锐得揉不进一粒尘沙。
> > 所以,孤独的蝎子更能洞悉谎言与人心。
> > 他们只有在孑然一身的时候,才有机会登上精神的高峰,望得远,看得清,障碍尽除,思维如月光染雪,剔透通明,理智与感情皆回归到最纯净的状态,能清楚的照亮自己。
> > 所以,孤独的蝎子睿智。
> > 当蝎子被身边的孤独包围的时候,他们的内心却是在释放。他们的身体和灵魂变成了过滤器,吸取着潮湿冰冷的空气,渗透出清澈甘甜的水滴,那就是他们的思想。思想无限流动,不受空间和时间的限制,抵达所有相通的灵魂。
> > 所以,当到达你的灵魂时,请你好好珍惜。
> > 当你看到陌生人面前孤僻而冷淡的蝎子时,请你见谅,因为即兴发挥不是蝎子的强项,蝎子一向预热很慢,感情需要很大的安全感才能活泼的施展。
> > 所以,当你想要了解那些外表形单影只,独来独往的蝎子时,请细心的感受他们内在活动的勃放如春。
> > 对于天蝎座的激情别人已经写得够多的了,以致再写就显得有点多余了。其实那些描述严格地来说,也不完全正确。天蝎座的人确实拥有过量的激情。但是这些热情不一定是用一种显而易见的方式来表达的。对于天蝎座的人来说,性是一种表达的途径,它是一种达到秩序的方法,而不仅仅是肉体上激情的释放。
> > 天蝎座对性和爱的渴望,通常与它们能提供的转变有关。他们喜欢把性与爱称作自己所喜欢的名字:一次神秘的经历、一次深层次的体会。性与爱让天蝎座向比他们自己更强大的事物投降。天蝎座的伴侣有一种巨大的容忍力,他们为了爱情和忠贞可以牺牲一切。他们甚至可以做出巨大的自我牺牲。在他们身上有一点狂热,这会渗透到他们与别人建立的关系中,并且影响他们的精神和态度。
> > 天蝎座是不会在浅的池塘里划水的。他们纵身跳入远远淹过他们的头的深度的汪洋。但是有时候可悲的是,在天蝎座所处的关系中释放出来的狂热,有时候会导致他们极端的猜疑,并且会让他们产生强烈的占有欲。假如天蝎座的人正陷入在爱情当中的时候,这种情况往往就会发生。假如他们没有真正谈恋爱的话,那么他们情感的大门就永远不会在你面前出现,你将面临真正的情感上的坚冰。
> > 天蝎座的伴侣最大的问题,就是渴望对对方的控制。这种控制可以用一些十分不引人注意的方式表现出来。比如说他们表现得自尊心很强,即使已经做了某些真正愚蠢的事情的时候,也不会向你道歉。或是经常表现出一种不让你安静的怨恨,并且总要'惩罚'你(用沉默和一种凝重的可以用刀把它划开的凝滞气氛)而不告诉你到底做错了什么。他们或是找出一些微妙的方式来测验你,因为天蝎座实际上并不能真正相信你。你很少听到你的天蝎伴侣告诉你你的意义对他们有多重大。但是有一点你可以肯定的是,这种意义你听到得越少,就表明他们爱你的程度越深。
> > 另一方面,天蝎座很少去尊敬那些不愿意去抵抗他们的人。天蝎座的伴侣必须要争取取得胜利,不要把胜利白白奉送给他们。不要吃惊,危机在天蝎座与自己伴侣的关系中是很平常的事情。假如你还没有看懂你压抑的天蝎座伴侣内心其实已经在沸腾,而只发现一丝'水蒸气'而已,那么真正的危机就要发生了。假如你不幸得到了一个这种类型的天蝎伴侣,那么你最好小心一点。适当时候,把你的天蝎座的伴侣送到临床医学家那儿去释放他们的压力吧。假如他们把这种压力朝你爆发出来的话,那可真不是开玩笑的。
> > 天蝎真正不寻常的地方,就是他们有着让人难以置信的能力去了解你。因为他们几乎没有遗漏任何东西,所以他们能飞快地了解许多关于你内心最深处的动机。假如你不喜欢在你们爱情中保持对他们的绝对诚实的话,那么你就应该考虑另一个星座了。但是假如爱情对你而言,意味着比终日悠闲地听着音乐之外更多的东西的话,那么天蝎座无疑是你明智的选择。因为他们有很多的东西可以提供给你,同天蝎座的人建立爱情,能够彻底改变你。
> > 探索是天蝎座最喜欢的娱乐方式。一个疑心很重的天蝎座的人会在你洗澡的时候,检查你的小本本里的电话号码,或是检查你钱包里的收据。一些天蝎座的人甚至会变成一个专业侦探,或是一个法医。但是无论你玩的是什么样的游戏,对于天蝎座的伴侣而言,他们希望你们之间的关系在一天中的每一个小时都是充满活力的,这至关重要。
> > 一些人认为占有欲是一种暧昧的病态的东西,或是一种在思想逻辑上错误的东西,并且都应该四处去宣扬:'让你快乐的一切都可以让我快乐。'但天蝎座的伴侣更有可能会这样说:'假如你没有我而会快乐,那么你就准备因此而付出高昂的代价吧!'
> > 对于天蝎座而言,占有如同呼吸一样自然。天蝎座的感情是非常强烈的。他们会花很长的时间学会去信任别人,但是那时他们可就不会那么轻易放手了。一些天蝎座的人让他们的心变得冷酷起来,是因为他们害怕自己受到羞辱,他们可能开始只允许肤浅的爱情进入到他们的生命当中来,但是这个时候,天蝎座的恋人通常是来去匆匆,会忽然消失的。
> > 没有人会同天蝎座的人一起经历一次没有改变的爱情。不管这种关系是继续还是结束,你都应该有自知之明,从更深的层次去看待生活。不要只期待甜蜜和舒适。一些十分聪明的人已经明白生活其实原本是由黑暗和光明组成,只有傻子才会相信生活是由其他的方式组成的。而且记住,天蝎座的人,可一点都不蠢。


F. R. I. E. N. D.

why? just one of my friend like that, or many of my friend like that, or all of my friend like that? my work-mate, friend too. i love him, but im not gay la. so, i treat him nicely. when he ask for help, i will never refuse. slowly and slowly, i start hope he can treat me nicer too.
BUT its seem like no "trust" between us, i feel that he always worry about me, scare i will better than him in any aspect like basketball, dance, swimming, social. thats kind of selfish. i HATE it. i just act as nothing, as nothing happened. we are good friend. but not best. when i can find one? one BEST friend?


Sunday, March 8, 2009


i viewed my blog this few days, but post nothing new.
i have many things to tell, to shout out, but its just seem no one will get it. so, i choose to be quiet. i turned myself into silent mode.

the only thing i want to share here is i join a group currently. we have the same target there. quite appreciate can meet those people, now can call them as friends. so, gambateh for all to acheive our target ba!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

fighting story

i have to fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight for my future.

Monday, March 2, 2009

$ money $

owh... money make me suffer so much and so much and so so so so much
owh... i love money so much much. i need it so much much. i miss it so much much.
$$$ i love you $ i hate you $ i love you $ i hate you $ i love you $ i hate you $$$

Sunday, March 1, 2009




Friday, February 27, 2009


nothing about myself to write today. so, just make an advise here. DON'T SMOKE!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


today you tell me dont wait for you already...
but im still waiting for you. im always waiting...

shhh... dont let her know im waiting lor

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


i online wait for someone in this few day, but chat with her this few night...

she quite pretty de right? cute!! but she's always wear a spec when online. if not wear it, she really cant see what im writing. and always call me stupid!! YOU ARE THE BIG STUPID.. keke~~

keke... have her soup in front the webcam!! look tasty

Monday, February 23, 2009

bla bla bla~

they really geng. wrote so so many blog in a month. haizzz. dont know what to write now. make my words to larger size, make it look full. haizz. everyday looks like the same, same people around me, same events, same works, same feelings, all my day is same. erm. anyone think im handsome? keke. actually i think myself look good, if not agree also nvm de, that's none of your buiness, but yesterday is the day i dont like the feel to be handsome, to be cute. this is because some of personal reasons, but not relate to the one chat with me yesterday night la (have to write this, scare later she though i hate her). so, still have what to write?? i wake up this morning, then bla bla bla~~~ bla bla bla~~~ bla bla bla~~ today is ended.

my lunch.

p.m.: keke. i get the confidence. im cute. thanks all of you that tell me this.
sorry if you not agree then make you vomit, better vomit until cant wake up, direct go in to the hospital.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

malu la~~

today feel so frustrated. then i told someone, she ask me why? then i told her whole story until i CRIED. hopefully, we were just smsing, if not i will be damn malu. finally, i wanna to say thanks to her here.


Friday, February 20, 2009

i like u

saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying saying

im saying something, you will see some words when 1 row fill with only 19 words. Haiz.. used my whole night to did this, but cant get the effect when post. T.T

Thursday, February 19, 2009


i called her
i saw her
i walk beside her
i chat with her
i smile to her.

she looks pretty
she is a little bit shy
she is nice
she smile look great
she said bye to me.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


i love swimming!

this story start with two books. he read the books until late at the night.

after a little nap about 4 hours, he wake up to prepare himself for something. looking for his goggle.

found it! go for his breakfast after that

that his breakfast: nuo mi ji with two half-boil eggs. before and after.

prepared well. never forget to take a picture before go out.

he wait two of his friends outside HICT.

this is one of his friend, and also the driver too. j.wei, is j.wei feel shy?

on the way to the swimming pool.

that the way they want to go, kompleks sukan shah alam

here they are. go inside and take out thier money for entry.

two of his friends are swimming here. they notice someoone is taking thier picture.

before come out from the swimming pool, its about 3+ metres.

after they took shower.

take a picture first before he go back from there, sorry, not so nice use the background with toilet bowl.

=happy ending forever=

Monday, February 16, 2009


haizzz.. valentine's day really sucks. i have to work, work and work... the restaurant was full for whole day. saw many pair have their meal there. so SWEET!!! aggrrr!!! dint get any present, and dint give out any present too. T.T

but got rm 5k+ sales that day, so get KFC from our boss... keke

conclude: i hate valentine 2009
the first time i wait for it with full of wish, then the first time it pass by and leave full of dissapoint to me


LOOK!! sweet couple over there! the right side..